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Real Madrid: Bellingham scores symbolic victory

Football fans

Real Madrid: Bellingham scores symbolic victory Messi

Jude Bellingham has quickly established himself as a global footballing superstar, even eclipsing Lionel Messi.

Bellingham’s rise to stardom has been nothing short of meteoric. His summer transfer to Real Madrid from Borussia Dortmund for over €100 million was always going to make him a major player, but few could have predicted just how quickly and to what extent he would become one.

In just a few months, the English midfielder has become a global reference point, valued as highly as Kylian Mbappé and Erling Haaland (€180 million according to Transfermarkt).

Bellingham more powerful than Messi for Adidas?

But perhaps Bellingham’s most impressive achievement is his commercial clout. He has become one of the most marketable athletes in the world, even going so far as to score a symbolic victory over Messi.

As Spanish media outlet Relevo reports, Bellingham has become the face of Adidas in Europe, overtaking Messi. The deal is said to include a clause that requires Bellingham to change his boots every 15 days in order to regularly showcase new models and promote them.

The collaboration is expected to be a long-term one, and it further cements Bellingham’s position at the top of the global footballing landscape.

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